Home Care After Endodontic Surgery
Instructions Following Root Canal Surgery
- Apply ice (in plastic bag or ice pack) to face, 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off. Repeat all day today. This will help to keep swelling to a minimum.
- Discoloration may appear following the surgery and will gradually disappear. If swelling occurs, it will reach its peak by the 4th day.
- Slight bleeding can be expected during the first day of surgery. If excessive bleeding occurs place a wet tea bag inside the mouth at the surgical area and press firmly on OUTSIDE of cheek for ½ hour. Keep head elevated. If bleeding persists, call the office.
- Do NOT raise the lip to look at operated area. It is possible to tear the stitches accidentally, open the incision and delay healing.
- Do NOT brush teeth in the surgical area with a toothbrush. Use a cotton swab to brush teeth in surgical area. Do NOT use a rotary toothbrush or water pik for 7 days after surgery.
- Eat a soft diet; mashed potatoes, yogurt, hamburgers, fruit juices, eggs, malted milk, ice cream etc. Use a vitamin supplement if desired. Avoid hard foods or other chewy food (steak, toast) until sutures come out.
- Drink plenty of cold liquids. If possible, avoid hot drinks and soup for the first 24 hours. Do NOT drink through a straw.
- Starting the day after your surgery, use a warm salt-water rinse (½ glass of water, ½ teaspoon salt; repeat this 4 or 5 times a day for 2 weeks) or the prescribed mouth rinse (follow directions on bottle), whichever your doctor has prescribed. Rinse gently.
- If there is pain, take prescription as directed or you can use an over-the-counter medication (i.e. one 600 mg. Ibuprofen or three over-the-counter 200 mg Ibuprofen every six hours).
- Return to the office as pre-arranged by appointment, approximately 7 days after surgery.
- If any unusual symptoms develop, please contact our office for advice or further instructions.